Our service

"The best questions arise in the search for answers"


Management consulting

can be helpful when questions arise as to how you can improve or make your business more successful and you would like to discuss this with a professional. 

Attentive, active listening and discussion are my methods to recognize your needs and goals and to advise you efficiently and informatively. 

The focus is always on you, the winegrower, your business, '
your vines and ultimately your wine!


Viticulture / Cellar

Low-wound pruning, organic plant protection advice or organic conversion advice, sowing, biodynamic viticulture, PIWI varieties, soil management, etc...

Cellar / Wine
Sulphur reduction in all phases of winemaking, skin fermentation also for white varieties, safe spontaneous fermentation, microbiology, barrel hygiene, optimization of work processes, etc.

About the person

Dominic Würth, born in Ludwigsburg, Germany.

Lives in South Tyrol since 2010, learned his trade in Bordeaux (F), Montalcino (I), Bündner Herrschaft (CH) and completed his training as a technician for viticulture and cellar management in Weinsberg (D). Experience and a 360 degree vision of the business. Perfectionist, constantly learning. Loves his work, nature, good food and great wines.

Always looking to make unique and natural wines with character. This gives rise to many questions regarding cultivation and ageing.

The answers bring interesting ideas with astonishing results to light...


"Technical expertise from my own experience as a producer"
As a winemaker and producer of high-quality wines, I bring extensive technical expertise to the selection and use of our natural corks. My personal experience guarantees that the corks not only meet the highest quality standards, but also offer the ideal properties for maturing and preserving the wine. This is how we combine technical know-how and natural solutions for the best wine closure. As an exclusive partner of the Trier cork industry, I have been your contact for Italy since 2017.


+39 329 868 2894